COP26 Pledges

At the start of November world leaders, negotiators and activists descended on Glasgow to discuss the very real threats people worldwide are facing due to climate change, as well as to attempt to make drastic changes to counter them. With different countries with different resources facing different issues the negotiations were never going to be easy, although big pledges were made.

Rising Temperatures

The Paris Agreement aimed to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial levels. Although this figure may seem small, even a rise by this much will still bring about floods, drought and extinction on a staggering scale. Pre-COP, however, the world was on track to have a 2.7 degrees temperature rise by 2100, and therefore, concrete pledges were needed to stand a chance of sticking to the Paris Agreement.

Pledges made included:

Meanwhile, the US and China – the planet´s two biggest emitters of greenhouse gases – made a firm commitment to create a dialogue on climate change issues, and boost cooperation to combat global warming. The two nations have pledged to encourage decarbonisation and electrification policies, as well as work together to cut methane emissions from the fossil and waste sectors.


Education Ministers also attended COP26, and alongside Environment Ministers made big commitments to collaborate between the education and environmental sectors. Currently 88% of people believe schools have a responsibility to teach pupils about the climate crisis, and pledges made by governments worldwide aim to act on this.

Ministers committed to:

  • Integrate sustainability and climate change into the core curriculum
  • Make the climate crisis an important part of teacher training, exams and guidelines
  • Collaborate between the private sector and public sector
  • Highlight education and learning opportunities in national adaptation plans

Many big pledges were made at COP26. However, the important thing is whether these promises convert into action, as we are running out of time to fight climate change.


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